For many years there were bins outside the school, dotted around the field and the yard, but regardless of all efforts made it was an unusual mornings when there weren't papers blowing around the yard.
It was only when the builders were in the school that they noticed the culprits....once the pupils were gone home and the school had quietened down and if the bins had not been emptied that day, the local crows descended on the bins in search of food!! In their efforts to find food they duly flittered and tore any rubbish or paper to shreds before spreading the litter to the four winds.
When Cliodhna Connolly, the Environmental Awareness Officer from Wexford County Council, was out speaking to the children about "what not to do" she mentioned metal dustbins that had a small chimney in the lid and had been used as home incinerators. She said that these were now prohibited but sparked an idea in the Principal's mind.
He duly got three of these bins complete with chimneys and they are now used as rubbish bins outside the school. The "chimney stack lids" serve the dual purpose of allowing papers / rubbish be placed in them via the narrow "chimneys" which prevent the crows getting at the rubbish and littering the school and surroundings.