Following the extension that was completed in 2007 it was decided to focus on the environment of the school and what practices could be adopted to allow the pupils take ownership of their own space whilst learning lessons that will hopefully stay with them for life.
The BOM decided to set the ball rolling by changing the refuse company servicing the school. As a Wexford based company "Wastepal" were the only company offering "composting" as an option on a fortnightly basis, it was decided to change suppliers and sign up to "Wastepal."
At the same time a series of lessons were taught showing the children how the daily "left-overs" from breaktimes and lunchtimes could be handled. A "warning bell" rings before the start of breaktime and lunchtime. This gives the children a short time to start their healthy snacks / lunches within their classrooms, each of which has two large bins and one smaller one.
The children are encouraged to seperate their "waste" into these re-cycling, rubbish or compost bins. Ms. Crowe's 6th Class traditionally look after the bins in the school on a rota basis.